TC18 "Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology" Newsletter (August 2017)

1. New organisation with Mathematical Morphology
2. New mailing list (with moderation)
3. Past and forthcoming events (with ISMM and DGCI)
4. Update and new open problems
5. Special Issue on DGCI
6. Potential Special Issue of IPOL journal (Image Processing On Line) on TC18 


1. New organisation with Mathematical Morphology

As you already know from the previous letter, TC18 includes now
Mathematical Morphology.  From the previous ISMM symposium held in
last May 15 - 17, Mickael introduces the combined TC and the response
was very positive. The members from ISMM mailing list will be invited
to join the actual list with invitation to become members of TC18. For
this purpose a new refresh of the previous mailing list was needed.

2. New mailing list of the TC18 and new site organization

The previous mailing list (in particular for the members was a simple alias with a mail redirection pointing
to all members emails. Such solution was not convenient to filter non
appropriate emails (some members felt that the number of spams was very
high). Now the actual address is still working
but is redirected to the new This new mailing
list is now handled by the Sympa mailing list server and is moderated
with archives. We have transferred all member emails so
if you read this mail this should be fine. Let us know if you detect
something wrong with this new mailing list.

The actual web site was also updated with the MM part and a new
organisation is proposed with an GitHub access to the source:

You are welcome to contribute with proposition or edition. You can
freely access to the repository by a fork or by directly edit it
online and applying pull request (PR). The PR will then validated
after a look of the board members team. 

3. Past and forthcoming events  (with ISMM and DGCI)

ISMM report:
From the previous TC 18 letters, the 13th International Symposium on
Mathematical Morphology held in Fontainebleau France, during May
15-17, 2017 (campus of MINES ParisTech). This symposium can be
considered as the main scientific event in the field of Mathematical
Morphology. They received around 53 high-quality papers each of which
were reviewed by at least three reviewers. From the reviewing results
16 papers were accepted as poster presentation and 24 as oral
presentations. The authors came from 15 different countries:
Australia, Austria, Brazil, France, Germany, Greece, India, Japan, The
Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey, USA, and UK.

Three keynote speeches were given:
- Pierre Vandergheynst: Signal Processing on Graphs
- Dan Ciresan: Deep Neural Networks for Biomedical Image Analysis
- Stephane Gaubert: Tropical and non-linear Perron-Frobenius methods for optimal control and zero-sum games

And a talk was given by Jean Serra about the 50 years of the CMM.

The ISMM steering committee has decided to hold the 2019 ISMM in
Germany and more details will be given in the next TC18 letter.

Upcoming DGCI 2017 event:

The 20th edition of DGCI will be held in a few weeks at Vienna Austria
and is organized by the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group
(PRIP) of TU Wien.The program is available online at this url:

It contains 18 oral and 10 poster presentations and 3 invited speakers:
- Eric Andres with a talk on the digital swept tubes
- Helmut Pottmann will speak about the freeform architecture and discrete differential geometry
- Michael Wilkinson will introduce a guided tour of connective morphology: concepts, algorithms, and applications

Abstracts of this talks are available at the DGCI web site:

You can still register until August 30 2017 with late registrations.

Other event:
The 18th international Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis (IWCIA
17) held in Plovdiv in Bulgaria, June 19-21, 2017.  Five keynotes were
given.  The first one was a talk of Alfred Bruckstein on the
Probabilistic Ant Pursuits and Grid Geometry. The second one was given
by Marc van Kreveld with a presentation on Onto the Grid and Off the
Grid: on Measures and Picture Puzzles. Then a talk on Quantum Graphs,
the Edge-based Laplacian and Shape was given by Edwin Hancock followed
by a talk of Christian Ronse on the Orders on Partial Partitions for
Image Segmentation, Filtering and Reduction.  And finally, Günter
Rote proposed a talk on Congruence Testing in 4-Space.

Other 27 presentations were given on the main topics of Digital
Geometry and Topology, Computational and Combinatorial Geometry,
Theory and Applications and Picture Grammars. A poster session on
ongoing research projects and original works in progress were also
organized but not included in the conference proceedings.

A special issue on Digital Manifolds in Computer Modeling is associated to this event:

4. Update and new open problems:

As initiated by the previous TC18 team, the session on open problems
will be presented at DGCI together with the TC18 session.  (at 15:00
Wednesday, September 20, 2017) You can send us your update or new open
problems that you could start some discussions and that will be added
to the web site.

In the same way, a preview of the new automatic IPOL demonstration
will be presented (Image Processing On Line). So if you have some
potential online demonstration we can propose to help you to build it.

5. Special issue on DGCI :

As for the previous edition, a DGCI 2017 special issue of JMIV is
organized. More details about the special issue will be given next

6. Potential Special Issue of IPOL journal (Image Processing On Line) on TC18 

We plan to organize a special issue on IPOL and TC18 papers together
with a selection of papers of the RRPR workshop.  The confirmation of
this special issue (to be confirmed with Jean-Michel Morel) is in
progress and news about this special issue will be given around DGCI.